【同义词辨析】 2018-01-18 目标intention-goal

intention: implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about: announced his ~ to marry.

intent: sug. clearer formulation and greater deliberation: the clear ~ of the law.

purpose: sug. a more settled determination and more resolution: she stopped for a ~, not for an idle talk.

design: implies carefully calculated plan and more carefully ordered details and sometimes scheming: the order of events was by ~, not by accident. (注by accident: 没有目的,无意地 by chance: 偶然地)

aim: adds implications of effort clearly directed toward attaining or accomplishing: pursued her ~ with great courage.

end: stresses the intended effect of the action often IN distinction or contrast with the action or the means as such: will use any means to achieve his ~.

object: may EQUAL end, more oft. applies to an individually determined wish or need: the ~ of the research.

objective: implies sth. tangible and immediately avialable: their ~ is to seize the oil field.

goal: sug, sth that is attained only after prolonged effort and hardship: worked years to achieve her ~.

intention: 仅仅表示想做, intent: 更清晰慎重, purpose: 更坚定决心, design设计: 精算的计划、条理的细节,aim: 付诸行动指向目的, end: 强调目的(effect)而非手段(means), object: 和end一样强调目的, 通常指个人, objective: 触手可及的目标, goal: 需要长期艰苦努力的。

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想,IIPDAEOOG==> A II GOOD PE: 体育成绩提升一倍==> 基本目标


         3)目标的意思是想要实现达到的mean what one intends to accomplish or attain.